Window replacements in Tampa

Window glass in Tampa


glass cleaningWhen Sulphur Springs homeowners hire glass replacement services to install new glass patio doors, shower doors, or windows, they’re probably not thinking about the first time they’ll have to clean these new glass surfaces. However, when you get a glass replacement, you should keep in mind how you’ll maintain and clean these fresh surfaces so that they will stay in good condition for many years to come.

Cleaning Your Glass Surfaces the Right Way

  • Wait for Cloudy Weather – Although you may think that more natural light will help you clean your glass surfaces better, cleaning on a cloudy day is the best time to wash glass. When the sun isn’t hidden behind clouds, the heat will dry the cleaning solution quickly and produce streaks.
  • Make Your Own Glass Cleaner – Making your own cleaning solution for your glass replacement is often more economical and environmentally friendly than purchasing glass cleaning products. A quick cleaning solution recipe includes 1 cup of water, 1 cup of isopropyl alcohol, and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Mix the solution and pour it into a spray bottle for easy application. Vinegar is the key ingredient in this concoction because it is highly effective, antibacterial, non-toxic, and safe for your skin, children, and pets.
  • Choose the Right Tools – Selecting the right cleaning tools can make all the difference in the appearance of your glass surfaces. Popular glass cleaning methods incorporate squeegees, paper towels, newspapers, and T-shirts, and the tool you choose often depends on your preferences. Squeegees are favored because they leave glass perfectly polished. Paper towels are readily available, but they may not be the best material to use in your glass cleaning because they leave behind streaks and fibers. Newspapers are a better option, but you should wear gloves to avoid getting ink on your hands. Recycled old T-shirts don’t create streaks and using them instead of paper products reduces waste.
  • Swipe from Top to Bottom – Clean your glass surfaces with whatever tool you choose by wiping from top to bottom so that your cleaning solution can drip to unwashed areas and not areas that have already been cleaned.
  • Protect the Woodwork – Make sure that your cleaning solution doesn’t spray or drip onto your wood surfaces because moisture and chemicals can harm woodwork.
  • Clean with Moderation – When cleaning your glass surfaces, less is more. Limit how much you use paper products and cleaning solutions so that you don’t create excess waste or streaking.

After the glass replacement in your Sulphur Springs home, you should have your cleaning products and tools on hand. If you need more tips for cleaning glass surfaces, reach out to a reputable glass replacement contractor like J&J Glass Co., and ask for more information regarding glass maintenance and cleaning.

If you are looking for Tampa residential glass replacement services then please call (813) 598-3200 or complete our online request form.